
Unique solutions for each client and project.

Product & Data Engineering

Each day brings us to another level. Productivity has never been higher. Nor have our goals and expectations.


Because we love our job and want to be a force for good by connecting people and developing systems that will make it easier for communities. We want to soften human-machine interactions and how we perceive materials, making everything more accessible and efficient while maintaining eco-responsibility.

Above all, we want to uphold our values and positively impact this planet we love. 

Product & Data Engineering now work hand-in-hand. As we are involved in new development and innovation for our partners, there’s no alternative but to think globally and support the digital transformation our industries are facing.

We bring the expertise and eco-conception mindset from the transportation industry to the energy sector into the digital world.

Topics we've dealt within our recent projects include:

Connectivity, communication & IOT

Shaping our way to interact with our daily equipements, envirionnements and vehicles

Hardware, Software & Automation

Smart Products & enhanced Productivity

Industry 4.0

Industrial Performance & Monitoring

Network & Cloud, Infrastructures, 5G, Voice & Date, Digital Learing

Spreading Knowledge & Emotions

Designing new Concept, CAD, CAE, Haptics, Eco-conception

Connected Senses, Smart Surfaces, Innovative Solutions

Pharmaceutical & Chemical Challenges

HSE, Regulatory Affairs, Process, Agro-solutions

Big Data, Data centers, Data Science & IA

Collect and extract information from Data processing

from some of
the Basic methods

Prince 2®

focuses on managing resources and risks by dividing projects into smaller stages, defining clear roles & responsibilities and using seven processes to manage the project life cycle


PMI stands for the Project Management Institute. It's technically not a methodology but rather an industry framework that incorporates best practices in project management. It is often associated with the waterfall methodology, which aligns project stages in a sequential approach, but it is also compatible with newer methodologies such as Agile.


IPMA® Individual Competence Baseline (ICB) combines planning, organizing, securing and managing resources to achieve successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. It is the central control of a group of projects (program), which are dependent on each other in terms of content, organization and time.

to different
Agile approaches


The Kanban Method is a means to design, manage, and improve flow systems for knowledge work. The method also allows organizations to start with their existing workflow and drive evolutionary change. They can do this by visualizing their flow of work, limit work in progress (WIP) and stop starting and start finishing.


The primary objective of Scrum is to satisfy the customer’s need through an environment of transparency in communication, collective responsibility and continuous progress.

Use cases

Document functionalities of systems using simple methods. Here, the actions and reactions visible to the outside are in the foreground and are described by their users. These can be represented by people, roles or other systems, so that even complex causal chains can be described and manipulated using the simplest of methods.

Project Management & Organization

Initiating, planning, leading, controlling and completing projects, as clear and simple as this definition may seem, the challenges our customers face every day are just as complex and varied.

Whatever the goal, be it climate change and the associated finding of new methods in energy production and distribution, the local and global transport of people and goods, through to the processing of data and knowledge, we stand at the side of our customers and their projects.

The importance of effective project management has been increasingly recognized in recent years. With its adoption in the private economy, in the public sector, or our personal lives, we have seen the development of many individual solutions and procedures.

Industrial Performance

Optimization. Increase in performance. Digitalization. These are all keywords that describe the goals but also the challenges that we face every day in the short-term, medium-term, and long-term.

It is the basis of all considerations as to where we want to find ourselves, our company, our projects or products after a certain period.

There is a wealth of methods, philosophies and tools that we can use to achieve these goals. These can be universal or specifically tailored to an industry or topic.

The trick is to look for the proper tools and approaches for the case, find them, select them or have the courage to break the rules and break new ground. This is where we come into play as sparring partners for our customers in brainstorming or advising and implementing ideas.

Whether in production, development, supply chain or administration, there is potential in all areas—across all industries—that can be leveraged.

There are various tools, methodologies or philosophies that can help achieve these goals when used correctly.

Some tools
methodologies & philosophies


Lean reduced to its core means the avoidance of waste of any kind. Originally, seven types of waste are distinguished. The goal is to optimally coordinate all activities that are necessary for value creation and to avoid superfluous activities (waste, Japanese “muda”).

Value Stream Management

is a tool to improve the flow of production and materials as well as the flow of information associated with it. Value stream management includes three main sub-areas, which should be run through in sequence:

Value Stream Mapping
Value Stream Design
Value Stream Planning


designates both a Japanese philosophy of life and work as well as a methodical concept that focuses on striving for continuous and infinite improvement. The improvement takes place in a gradual, selective perfecting or optimization of a product or process.


is a management system for process improvement, a statistical quality objective and at the same time a method of quality management. The core element is the description, measurement, analysis, improvement and monitoring of business processes using statistical means.

MTM (Methods-Time-Measurement)

is a method for analysing work processes and determining planned and target times. All human movements are traced back to specific basic movements for which the required time is known.

The digitalization and automation of our working world, such as Industry 4.0, Internet of Things (IOT) or adaptive tailor-made software solutions offer opportunities and potential to improve our world in our interest and protect it in the long term.

The highest vision that unites everything is the protection and preservation of each individual and our single and—as we are realizing—very fragile world.

That’s what we strive for as GREAT CONSULTANTS!


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